About CCPG: The California Council on Problem Gambling

The California Council on Problem Gambling (CCPG) is a non-profit organization, founded in 1986, dedicated to assisting problem gamblers and their families by promoting awareness, education, research, prevention and treatment for problem gambling. CCPG is an affiliate of the National Council on Problem Gambling (NCPG).

The Council exists to help those affected by problem gambling and is neither for nor against legalized gambling.

CCPG is funded by voluntary contributions from businesses and other interested parties, like you. We do not receive any state or federal funding.

% of Problem Gamblers in CA
Problem Gamblers in CA
People Affected by One Gambler
Affected by Problem Gamblers in CA


The 1-800-GAMBLER Helpline is staffed by masters-level or above counselors 24/7/365.

The 1-800-GAMBLER was the first professionally staffed crisis helpline for problem gambling in California, and was established in June of 1998. Today, it is the largest state-based helpline in the country, receiving upwards of 30,000 calls per year and referring more than 3,000 people directly into treatment.

The helpline remains operated by the California Council on Problem Gambling, and is currently funded by the California Office of Problem Gambling.

You can access our Helpline Interactive Data Dashboard to parse through the more than 50,000 records collected throughout the years utilizing a comprehensive suite of filters.

Online Classes

Earn problem-gambling related continuing education online through live webinars or at www.calpg.online.

CCPG Online Learning Center (calpg.online) offers problem gambling treatment and prevention education in a virtual classroom setting. Enrollees at calpg.online may ‘attend’ 1- to 2-hour long classes from anywhere, at any time, and will earn CEs (CAMFT or CCAPP) and/or credits towards the California Certified Gambling Counselor (CCGC) credential for each class they attend.

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Counselor Certification

Earn your California Certified Gambling Counselor (CCGC) credential to help Problem Gamblers and their loved ones.

Since 2000, CCPG has continued to teach and certify gambling counselors in California; however, with the demand for treatment of gamblers and their families increasing daily, there remains an ever-growing need for competent gambling counselors.

Get certified!

Responsible Gaming Certification

Create a healthier atmosphere for guests and demonstrate a commitment to responsible gaming in the local community.

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Responsible Gaming Consultation

Build a responsible gaming program that meets or exceeds best standards, to benefit guests and team members.

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No-Cost Training Programs

Provide awareness and education training to industries whose employees are in a position to help problem gamblers and their loved ones.

CCPG was awarded this technical assistance contract from the State of California to provide training, outreach, and consultation to all gambling establishments (casinos, horse tracks, lottery, etc.) and law enforcement agencies with no direct cost to the client.

Benefits.pdf(1.74 MB)

Speakers Bureau

Schedule a professional speaker with varied degrees/backgrounds for conferences, events, meetings etc.

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Community Outreach

Promoting awareness at health, wellness, senior, high school, and other fairs throughout the state.

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CCPG is a membership-based nonprofit organization. By becoming a member, you help to support our programs!

Why become a member?
By becoming a CalPG member, you are helping us:

  • Educate the public about problem gambling
  • Directly help problem gamblers and their families by supporting the Council’s programs
  • We are consistently working on a limited operating budget to support each of our much needed programs.

We are very appreciative of each of our supporters and try to find every opportunity to afford them the recognition they deserve. Without their support those persons and families in California who are affected by problem gambling would not have these vital resources provided to them.

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About Us


Our leadership team works diligently to fulfill our mission of raising awareness through education and outreach. We have each been working for the CCPG for more than 10 years, and (somewhat unique in our field) have nearly 20 years of combined experience in the gaming industry prior to joining the Council.

Robert Jacobson
Executive Director

Robert Jacobson has been our Executive Director since 2011, and his unique perspectives in the field are derived from both his personal and professional experiences, having worked in the gaming industry for 15 years before joining the Council. He is currently the President of the board of directors for the National Council on Problem Gambling.

Tonya Williams, MBA
Deputy Director

Tonya Williams has worked for the Council since 2008, beginning as a Program Manager and working her way up to Deputy Director. Prior to joining the Council, she worked in the gaming industry with experience including human resources, marketing and communication, and training.

Our Board of Directors

The California Council on Problem Gambling is governed by members who serve as volunteers on the Board of Directors. These individuals represent a variety of backgrounds, experience and professions, and share a mutual interest in addressing the issue of problem gambling.

  • Ben Shiller
  • Darin Scharer
  • Carolyn Badger
  • Donna Brown Agins
  • Dr. Eric Geffner
  • Vince Manfredi
  • Suzanne Koch Eckenrode
  • Cathy Shink
  • Andrew Masiel
  • Paula Negrete
  • Kyle Kirkland
  • Lauren Cole
  • Michael Ibach
Advisory Board
  • Terri Sue Canale-Dalman
  • Richard Rosenthal
  • Bob Weinstein
Bennett Shiller
Darin Scharer
Vice President
Carolyn Badger
Donna Brown Agins

We're always looking for experienced trainers!

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As a non-profit organization funded by voluntary contributions, we sincerely thank you for your support!